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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

On my way...

My brother and his wife are amazing people.  They are funny, and kind.  They try to give their kids every experience possible.  They want the best for those around them, and they graciously agreed to let me spend the night at their house near Chicago last night.  The kids played, we talked and sat out on the back patio, and it was just a relaxing evening – a great way to spend my last night in Illinois.

So, last night I slept on their couch in the cool, finished basement, with Miles’ feet in my face.  He kept holding my hand, and when I had to get up to go to the bathroom at 2:30am he jumped right up and wrapped his tiny arms around my neck.  “Don’t go without me, mom!” So, I had a guest. I hope he is okay when he wakes up a few hours from now and realizes that I didn’t just sneak off to the bathroom without him.

In the basement last night, my mom had her air mattress, Miles and I had the couch, and Elliott the cat was in the laundry room, occasionally “reminding” us that he wanted out.  He had the company of three chickens – Roast Beef, Sweet Potato, and Nugget.  (Remember the part about my brother wanting to give his kids great experiences?  In a few weeks the clucking trio will make their way to the backyard coop and the fresh farms egg collecting will begin.  Good stuff, huh?)  I was surprised that the chickens were quiet all night.  Maybe they were afraid of the cat.

Anyway, Garth is getting ready in the bathroom and in about 15 minutes we will leave for the airport.  I guess I’d better go get a bagel or something to eat.  Flight isn’t until 9am.  I should get to Port Au Prince about 2pm Central time.  I am hoping to get a chance to call home when I get there and make sure everybody survived the day without me.  Right now I am wondering if I will have cell service????

What I learned today:

Did you know that there is actual sunlight at 4:45am?  I don’t mean you can see the sun, but I do mean that if you went outside you could see what is going on because there is already light coming over the horizon.  I’ll be honest – I had no idea.  

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